Providing Recovery Support, Hope, Food, & Shelter Since 1974


Often the best way to describe our services is through the experience shared by those we serve.  In support of the Ukiah Recovery Center expansion effort, Ford Street Project has worked with Coursey Communication to create the following video.  None of this is possible without the support of the robust recovery community in Mendocino County.

                                                                               Recovery in the Park 2024

Assisting the Addicted & Homeless People of Mendocino County, CA


Ford Street Project is dedicated to assisting the addicted and homeless people of Mendocino County in attaining sobriety and improving self-sufficiency. Ford Street Project strives to fulfill its mission by providing community services through many programs, including the Community Food Bank, Family Emergency Shelter, Low Income Housing, and Substance Abuse Treatment.

A table with food and vegetables on it.

The Community Food Bank provides individuals and families with weekly, emergency, and special occasion food distributions.

A house with a lot of bushes and trees

Our Unity Village Housing and Family Emergency Shelter Programs provide temporary and long-term housing for families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and case management to connect families with other community resources and opportunities.

A group of people standing in front of a flag.

The Ukiah Recovery Center, a Ford Street Program, provides substance abuse treatment through Social Withdrawal Management/Detoxification, Residential Treatment, Vocational classes in organic gardening and commercial kitchen, Case Management for referral services, including housing, medical, and employment opportunities, and through outpatient services for both individual and group counseling sessions.